Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Do Impetigo Antibiotics Work

Dear Techniques II:

Today we begin with the academic information search the Web, which employ a number of search engines and directories to retrieve particular documents of this type. But before you post more information on this subject, I emphasize what we saw in our previous meeting about Zotero, because this tool will become our "workhorse" for the rest of the semester. First

want to share a video that briefly explains how Zotero, which developed from the contents of our previous meeting.

also ask to review the following presentation of Julio Alonso Arévalo, who beautifully sums up the potential that the manager carries references. Thus I think we can move forward in the domain of this tool, whether we go in later sessions addressing each of its facets.

Receive a greeting and see you in class.


Zurita Sánchez, JM (2011). Working with Zotero (part 1) [Video]. Retrieved

Alonso Arévalo, J. (Sf) Zotero 2.0 [slides]. Retrieved


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