Thursday, March 24, 2011

Genital Warts On Somach

In the workshop I did in Seville I learned to make this soap, Ana taught us the technique and we gave a very good base recipe, I have modified some oils and clays, but the idea and design are the same. I wanted to try it myself, and this has been the result.

In this soap I used 6 different types of clays and sobreengrasado under 6% of hazelnut oil and hemp, so it is designed for combination skin or a tendency to fat.
I have prepared in 6 layers of 300 grams. and with a different clay each, but the same essential oils. The technique is to go by turning the mold and creating hondulaciones with a stick on the mass of soap.

Different types of clay have been used since time distant for medicinal purposes and trims. Clays stimulate the elimination of toxic agents. One of the many uses of clay is to help keep skin clean and healthy. The healing properties of clay are: regenerative, refreshing, decongestant, cleansing, healing, absorbent, relievers and antibiotics.
Clay is very effective in killing bacteria, has antiseptic, antibiotic and cleansing for the body.

Rassoul, is a clay rich in iron oxide and magnesium, absorbent and degreasing properties, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, clean and degrease the hair and scalp, without altering the keratin fiber.

white clay, is rich in green clay aluminum, therefore has a cleansing effect, but is poorer in trace elements and contains no phosphorus, chlorine and zinc. It is washed by rain water and clay is the purest, besides being able to be ingested. It is ideal for dry and dull. It is astringent and brightens our skin. The white clay is a perfect ally for remove impurities from our skin and help in cell regeneration. Because of its composition has a bleaching effect, so that we can help combat spots that appear on our skin.

pink clay, is a mixture of red clay and white is very common for use in cosmetic face masks. The use of clay rose is most recommended for sensitive, dry and tired.

green clay, its color is due to ferrous iron oxides and magnesium. It is very rich in trace elements, which may vary depending on its origin. Contains silicon, potassium, lime and phosphates, among other minerals. It is healing because of its high content of silica, aluminum and zinc. It is very absorbent so it is used in purulent infections. It is recommended if your skin or fat is mixed, due to its absorption capacity. Removes dirt, cleans pores and purifies. We help eliminate cellulite. If you have acne, the green clay will help to control it. It has a calming effect and brings freshness and elasticity of our skin.

biological black clay, healing and regenerative effects of the skin, known for its high content of manganese, which gives the black color so special.

yellow clay, is composed of very fine particles of ferric oxide, which gives it its color, so it is rich in iron and potassium and has a high concentration of trace elements. Helps heal and calm the itching. Help us if we have problems with eczema and even herpes. Its use is recommended for oily skin and combination skin. Eliminates toxins and fats in our skin by providing good oxygenation. Absorbs impurities leaving skin fine, especially soft. Tightens pores. We help reduce cellulite. It is recommended for fragile skin that require special toning. Increases the elasticity of our skin and combats signs of aging.

The hemp oil has moisturizing and regenerative properties of the skin.
oil is richer in essential fatty acids, from 51% to 62% linoleic acid, from 19% to 25% linolenic acid, with higher percentages of evening primrose oil or sesame and high vitamin content And even more than wheat germ.
also contains antioxidants, minerals and vitamins essential for healthy skin.
Hemp has moisturizing properties, making it ideal for the development of body moisturisers and hair masks.
for its skin regenerative properties, combined with aloe vera is great for after shaving, as shampoo and hair tonic combined with Shea.

The hazelnut oil is nourishing and regenerating, prevents dehydration of the skin. is very smooth and fluid, is recommended for the care of sensitive skin. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids,
and contains protective substances, hydrating and regulating the sebaceous glands, making it especially suitable for the care of greasy skin, seborrheic dermatitis and / or acne. Also helps close the pores.

Formula used:
Oliva ; 77 MRS. Coco
39 MRS.
Palma 39 MRS.
Maize  26 grs.
Avellana                  6 grs. (T)
Cáñamo                  6 grs. (T)
Ac. Esteárico          7 grs.
Beeswax 3 grs. Agua
71 grs.
Sosa 27.6 oz.
6% 28% concentration

lemon essential oils (3), mint (1) and rosemary (1).
aroma is the End of the storm blend of


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