Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Funny Wedding Koozie Quotes

19 to 25 April - Week American Native Peoples.

In Argentina there are 600,329 people who are recognized within and / or descendants of indigenous peoples, according to data from the Complementary Survey of Indigenous Peoples by the INDEC in 2004-2005. Many of them retain their cultural patterns, some have remained in the lands occupied by their ancestors and there are many more people than among their ancestors to the original inhabitants.
can not forget our brothers ABORIGINAL .....
Wichis, pilagás and tuffs have been and are in Formosa. Almost ninety summary communities across a story that has not been told and still waiting for their time how we can learn from them, their eyes summary stories, their hands the fight, how can they teach us and we listen, so rich we could learn from and appreciate the birds singing, the sound of wind in Formosa are it's time to look up and learn from them how much wealth we may know ?? Meanwhile
gradually and according to the situation of each community and its relations with the white, native is transformed and incorporating the other world to his own.
Voice and Aboriginal work made them feel good.
Since the crop in the farm, the management of fishing nets, the last day of the mill and the silent work of the artisans, they have always worked with their traditional economy indicating that there are no longer a hunter-gatherer.
Aborigines have not lost the voice of their older but now know that knowledge is what gives authority. It may no longer invoke their ancient gods to renew their strength, but can not help thinking that at some point will Lasaga, August wind, as always shake the plants and the men telling them to prepare for the new time spring.
When codes and language are common culture spreads more easily and quickly characterize an entire people, but when it does not own failures arise from the lack of understanding among men.
through my blog I to extend my special greetings SAMUEL, my dear friend tuff, thank you for teaching those values \u200b\u200bthat are sometimes forgotten, also my friends FIELD OF HEAVEN ....

a big bso sandra


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