Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wireless Receive From Satellite

I have prepared this cream to use as eye area while I serve as a cleanser to remove all traces of mascara. Take
essential oil of fennel and chamomile, sweet almond oil, castor and jojoba oil and witch hazel water.
The essential oil of fennel is best for the bags under the eyes, reduce dark circles, and dehydrated skin wrinkles.
The essential oil of chamomile antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, containing azulene (watch out for allergic people), is perfect for dark circles diminish and prevent eye infections. Its components include caffeic acid and linoleic acid are reductase inhibitors high, an enzyme present in the human body which can cause excessive injuries especially to the eyes.
The castor oil is good for reducing inflammation of the eyes and is extensively used to care for the eyebrows and eyelashes.
The jojoba oil is one of the most suitable for treating the eye area as it is hipoalergnico and non-irritating, making it a very useful cleansing.
The sweet almond oil has the ability to soften the inflamed part, moisturizes and softens all skin types.
The water of hamammelis reduces inflammation and relaxes the eyes which is also very useful for reducing dark circles and puffiness.

  • 40 grs.
  • sweet almond oil 35 oz.
  • 10 g castor oil.
  • 15 grams jojoba oil. Beeswax
  • 5 grs. Preservative
  • Cosgard 10 drops. AE
  • 10 drops fennel. AE
  • 10 drops of chamomile. Edito

again to explain that about three weeks, the phases of the cream begins to separate, is solved with a little heat and beating again, but still do not like the greasy feeling left, I have to try do it with the same ingredients, but Polawax and more aqueous phase.


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