Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Meanings Of Pop Braceletes

Hey guys this is one of the last jobs to do, and we encourage you to answer some questions to get a clearer idea what is going to be a computer audit. The following questions are to be delivered in white sheets by hand. The essay questions are:

  • What is computer audit ?
  • What are the objectives of the audit information?
  • What firm characteristics are enhanced with computer audit
  • What is the operation?
  • Explain why you should allocate disk space for applications used in business and how you can assign these spaces.
  • mentions and explains the types of computer audit there
  • What are the main tools for computer audit.
  • Give an example where you can apply a questionnaire
  • How do
  • checkeo lists
  • Where can be applied to an interview or who is usually the company.
  • explains and gives an example of a statistical sample.
The paper used on this occasion is: computer audit


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